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Young Physicians Committee

Message from 2020 YPC Chair

The goal of APPNA YPC (Young Physicians Committee) is to guide and help the Pakistani-Descent young physicians interested in pursuing post-graduate training in the United States. 
APPNA (Association of the Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America) is the largest professional organization of Pakistani Physicians in North America. Young physicians are the backbone and future of APPNA. The Young Physicians Committee (YPC) is dedicated to help incoming young physicians. Initially started as an Adhoc committee in 2003, it has now become a strong platform for both incoming as well as established young physicians.

This year YPC established several major goals to help young physicians in multiple ways including: assistance during residency match and SOAP, assistance with visa-related issues, organizing different YPC seminars throughout the year, providing mentorship-in-person (US clinical experience & research), mentorship on-line (educational material at the YPC website), and assistance with temporary accommodations in various APPNA-related housing facilities. We humbly request that established physicians (whether in academia or private practice) to come forward and join hands with YPC in helping our young physicians.